I don't know where you wanted us to put these, so I was thinking that here would be the best spot. This is an absence notice for moi for at least the week, if not ALL the weeks up until March. I will easily be able to make appearences on the weekends, though so no huge worries. Here's my whacky schedual.
Sunday - Free day (YAY)
Monday - Homework day, it's about the only school-day I have open for it.
Tuesday - Softball until five, drivers ed from 6 to nine. When I get home, most likely homework until bed.
Wednesday - The only day I can see my dad, so definetly not on that day.
Thursday - Same as Tuesday
Friday - Same as monday, though every third monday of the month I have a C-SEA meeting.
Saturday - 'Nother free day. I do have a boyfriend (1 year annaversary in March! =D), so I'd like to dedicate this day to him if I can.
My monday and friday free days coul dvery well be replaced with a part-time job as well, because I have to buy a car. I just got an offering from another member of C-SEA and am looking into that. I'm debating on leaving the pack because I feel like i'm taking up space if I'm barely on (especially if I'm in the Hand position ><). I don't think I will, unless this absence thing really gets irratating... I aslo have a pack of my own to run...*sigh*
Basically I'll be on as much as I can, but not a whole ton. It's hard for me to keep up in RP on this site because there isn't really a posting order, so no one would wait. lol No biggie though. Hope I see you guys more than I think I will. =(